Fishing in the local waters of San Felipe ranges from good to excellent depending upon the season. December through March is the best time of year for sport fishing although each of the other seasons and months will produce an abundance of seasonal game fish to make most fishermen and women proud.
A Sea of Cortez Catch!
Whether you bring your own boat or rent the services of a local “Panguero” (whose rates are negotiable), you will find corvina the most prevalent of the local game fish. In addition, there is an abundance of white sea bass (in deeper water) as there is lisa (of the mackerel family), and cochito (triggerfish). Take a look at this photo guide to fish caught in the Sea of Cortez Here >>. Check out historical fishing photos of legendary Tony Reyes Here >>.
Fishing licenses are required for boat fishing (not shore fishing) and are checked by the local warden. Fishing licenses are sold in the Port Captain’s office at the local Marina.
For the fishing species season, see this table:
Launching your own boat: there is a ramp at the harbor with a fee for its use – rates shown in pesos.